Okay, so here is the deal: Yuna, my Turkish Angora cat, loves to steal and play with freshly opened bottle caps. She just can't resist it... The moment you touch the bottle opener to the cap, she is there, watching and waiting like a hawk does to its prey. She then grabs them and runs off somewhere, dragging the metal cap on the marble floor. So far, it is only the noise that might be considered a nuisance. However; it really is not... It is the 'hidden' bottle caps which continuously turn up under my feet, or rather imprinted into my feet, that constitutes the problem.
Well, this morning it wasn't the numerous bottle caps that I stepped on that made me regret ever getting out of the bed, nor was it the mischiefs of Yuna. It was the smell beer in my living room at 7 am in the morning. Tracing the smell, I ran into this:
Tooth or claw?
Now, what is that hole doing on the bottom of the can, which I forgot to put in the fridge the night before? I immediately knew Yuna had no part in this. From what I gather, the responsible 'individual' for this is Ludwig, the new kitten in the house. He is addicted to adrenaline, if that is even possible with cats, and loves destroying stuff lying on the floor when we are asleep. I tried to teach him through vocal commands that sinking his teeth/claws into whatever he wishes is considered a bad habit in the human world, but guess what? He is deaf! No hearing whatsoever. Thus the hole in the beer bottle.
What?.. Wasn't me!